Sunday, June 20, 2010

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

Jeng3! Look, i've bought myself a new guitar hero game! W00t.

"Costs me 16 bucks. Expensive! Jack Sparrow DVD's usually cost RM5. Oh, right. Maybe there's something wrong with the pirated market nowadays-you know, raids, by our government"

I was quite thrilled with my purchase because i was a guitar hero fanatic, thanks to Izhan, my guru of Guitar Hero. =p.

Anyways, Malaysia is such a free country. You can buy this sort of stuff at the public. No police is going to sue you anyways. And yeah, we're Malaysia, Malaysia Boleh.

If I were in United States, that would cost me USD59.90=RM180.
A killer bomb for my wallet.

Thank God the government is not strict enough to ban Jack Sparrow DVD's for the public consumers.

"Let's get started with the game"

Before getting started, let me show you guys my instrument to play Guitar Hero. :D. (Plug in some speakers for a real guitar hero experience!!)

"My keyboard a.k.a GUITAR"

My Guitar looks quite dusty in the picture. Rarely been used. =(.
The game came out pretty well. Guitar Hero Legends Of Rock Players would feel at home when they purchase this game. It looks pretty much the same, with the characters and frets.

"But I do find this Guitar Hero game is abit harder than the previous one that i've played, Legends Of Rock"

Nevertheless, guitar hero is such an addictive game. Sure, pick up a keyboard and a guitar you'll be able to play any songs in no time. It's better than watching porno's. Lol.

I encourage some of you guys try guitar hero out yourself, rather than doing nothing during the holidays. It's great fun.

If you guys are stingy enough to pay for the Jack Sparrow DVD's, dont worry. Torrent's are always there.

Serious note: If you guys end up playing guitar hero and spend 20 hours a day playing, you'll end up like this gay. No kidding.

Have a nice week ahead, folks! XD


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